Ready to fill out the BAP SUBMISSION FORM?


If you breed fish, you can earn points, certificates, ribbons, plaques and bragging rights. The Breeder’s Award Program (BAP) is designed to encourage all hobbyists to spawn their aquatic pets. It is open to any member in good standing of DFWAA. Accumulate points for each species or color form they are able to reproduce successfully. Species are grouped into six classes according to degree of difficulty. Species not listed will be credited and class assignments will be made on an individual basis by the BAP Committee.

Points earned in all classes are cumulative. Only the first spawn of each species or color form will be awarded points. 

Participants whose membership lapses will be ineligible but shall have their points reinstated upon renewing their membership within 45 days of lapse for that calendar year. Points from a previous year will not be reinstated. If your membership is not renewed in the 45-day time period you forfeit all points you have earned thus far. Example ( Member has been breeding fish since January 2022 their membership lapses October 1, 2022, the member will still be awarded points once their membership is renewed as long as it’s before November 15, 2022.)

BAP Program Goals

• To encourage members of DFWAA to breed fish and share knowledge concerning the spawning and rearing of fish.
• To provide recognition of the achievements of DFWAA members concerning the breeding of fish.
• Expand awareness and have access to a wider variety of species.
• Promote more participation within DFWAA

Point Classifications:
The BAP Committee will be responsible for the point classification of each fish registered. If a point value of a fish changes over time only new registrations will be affected.

 Class A:5 points “very easy”:
Convict Cichlids

Tanichthyes (White Clouds)
Parrot Hybrid
Plecos all except Class B & D
Lake Malawi OB Peacocks, OB Haplochromis, OB Mbuna


Class B:10 points “reasonably easy”:
American Flag fish
A. Cacatuoides 

Badis badis
Bristlenose Plecos
Copeina sp.
Gouramis (large)
Guppies Pure Strain
Paradise fish

Lake Malawi Natural Peacocks, Mbuna, Haplochromis
Lake Victoria
Rainbow fish

Class C: 15 points “moderately demanding”:
Chocolate Cichlid
Pencil fish,
Small Gouramis
South American Cichlids
Lake Tanganyika

Class D: 20 points “demanding”:
Archer fish
Bumblebee Goby
Cardinal Tetras
Chocolate Gouramis
Glass fish
L Series Plecos
Marine Damsel fish
Neon Tetras
Pike Cichlids
Silver Dollars

Class E: 25 points “Difficult”
Elephant Nose,
Knife fish

Class F – SPECIAL: 5 points
This class is reserved for all cultivable organisms that provide food to aquatic inhabitants for breeding and raising to adulthood. Examples would include brine shrimp and worms.


•  The aquarist must be a member in good standing (dues paid) of the DFWAA

• A fish may only be turned-in once for points by any one participant. Species and subspecies in a Genus that are recognized as naturally occurring are accepted and given full points.

•  The name of a fish, scientifically, is recognized as Genus-species-subspecies and accepted by the BAP Committee.

•  Subspecies recognized by the BAP program are those found in publications. If the ‘scientific community’ later recognizes a fish (subspecies) to be a truly different species, or the taxonomic name(s) are changed, the BAP Committee will reclassify each animal appropriately.

• All fish must be registered by scientific name. If you know that the scientific name has changed recently, please add all to the BAP Form.

•  Eggs must be obtained from your own spawning and not purchased from an outside source.


•  BAP chair and committee reserve the right to request verification for any submission of 10 or more points. Verification may include a visit to the breeder’s fish room by a DFWAA BAP Committee Member or Board Member

•  For any spawn submitted, the breeder is responsible for being able to report the month of spawn, conditions of spawn and rearing, and an estimated of number of fry.

•  A BAP submission of fish that are obviously beyond the fry stage.   

• The breeder should be able to provide information to help BAP verify the submission. Information such as what month were the specimens spawned and roughly how many fry were obtained. 

Awarding of Points:

For freshwater spawns of fish having BAP point values assigned of 10 and 15, the participant may be asked to have had their spawn verified in their home aquarium by a member in good standing. Spawns of fish valued at 5 points need no verification.

Participants spawning freshwater fish with BAP point values of 20 and 25 must have the spawns verified by a BAP Committee member.

Each spawn must be registered by filling out a BAP form.

Spawns that are made for the first time in the US will be awarded an additional 25 points. The participant is responsible for providing proof to the BAP committee for this.

Articles detailing the raising and care of fry or spawning experiences are not required but are encouraged.

Breeders Award   50 points 
Advanced Breeder Award  100 points 
Expert Breeder Award  200 points 
Master Breeder Award  300 points 
Grandmaster Breeder Award  500 points 

BAP Auction:

To be awarded BAP points and recognition, a minimum of four fry must survive to 60 days post-hatch of live birth. Feel free to auction young fish at monthly meetings. The proceeds of the auction of all fish submitted for BAP points shall go to DFWAA. The money is used for awards at the end of the year.
Any participant of  BAP may bring one extra bag each month of a species that he/she has previously BAPed. This bag will be auctioned during the BAP/HAP auction, and the seller will receive 50% of the selling price.  The intent of this is to provide more member access and for the breeder to pass on species to fellow DFWAA members.

All Fish must be legal in the state of Texas …. 

IUCN Red List

If the fish you are submitting to the BAP program are on the IUCN Red List an additional 5 points will be awarded. Please check WWW.IUCNREDLIST.ORG 

to receive the extra points. You must circle yes at the time of turning in your BAP form if your fish is on the IUCN Red List. Any forms turned in without this will not be awarded the extra 5 points. All BAP forms submitted stating that the fish is on the IUCN Red List will be verified, if your fish is not on the IUCN Red List all points will be void and all forms will be denied from that participant. 

Ready to submit a BAP form?


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