Sue Co-founder of the DFWAA and owner of A-Z Aquatic LLC and it’s beneficiary DFW Aquatic Rescue. Sue manages several facebook groups such as DFW Fish Keepers and DFW Amphibian & Reptile Keepers as well as many other aquatic and reptile community pages on Facebook.
David Taylor (President, Accounting, Compliance and Tax) I run African Cichlids & More. I have African Cichlids, Plecos, Angel Fish, and Discus. I have 35 years of keeping fish. I started keeping fish when I was about 10 years old by winning goldfish at the carnival, which my dad at first didn’t like but I took care of them. I did everything wrong by doing 100% water changes scrubbing the tank clean and rinsing off the substrate and feeding them graham crackers but they stayed alive. Then I eventually moved to African Cichlids but they weren’t what see today there were no OB’s and most weren’t as colorful. I did have times with no fish with growing when in high school and college.
Evan (Co-Treasurer, Webmaster, Membership Director) Co-founder of the DFWAA, co-owner of A-Z Aquatic LLC.
Salina (Co-Treasurer)
Chevy (Event Manager) Design, creation and execution of events layout, set up and schedule.
Darian (Director of Special Programs BAP/HAP + Future Programs) Owner of Repzotics.